Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - Essay Example This again depends on the accuracy and pure knowledge of that language. The health professionals will only depend on what they are told by this third party and not the victims or patient herself. The same applies to the other party (the family of the patients). So the blame is hard to precisely put on anybody because one is not sure about who failed in his/her task. The same thing is true for the MCMC Case as it is not easy to pin point who did wrong as three parties were involved. Besides the chart was so hard to understand something that even the author of the article attests to yet it was the only way to understand Lia and her family. He confirms how hard reading this chart was by confessing to have read it more than a hundred times. However, a psychological doctor of all the people should not use this as an excuse but should be knowledgeable about the different kinds of patients he/she can meet as well as the degree of probing that is required to break through the patient’s mind. It is true that everybody comes from a background that is based on certain culture and however much somebody is deeply entrenched in it, still there is always a possibility to accept the universally and scientifically proven conventional medical practices. This however, depends on the approach that is used to introduce such topics to the person in question here being the patient. For a doctor, giving up on the patient sooner is not always the best thing as evidenced in the way Dan Murphy had given up on the Lees family just after meeting Lia. Dan Murphy in his assertion that the relationship between the Lees and the doctors was spoilt beyond repair was quite judgmental. He is even quick to distance themselves from the mistake as well as vindicating the interpreters of any wrong doing. He appears to level the blames on the Lee’s family. According to the author, even Dan Murphy himself seems to contradict himself by

Monday, October 28, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Computer Information System Essay Example for Free

Kudler Fine Foods Computer Information System Essay Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) is a California-based provider of a variety of high end foods, both local and from around the world, founded by Kathy Kudler in 1998. Since the opening of the first location, Kudler has opened two more locations in the San Diego area; Del Mar in 2000 and Encinitas in 2003 (About, 2011). As a growing business, Kudler’s needs are constantly changing, especially in terms of the company’s information technology and information systems. This paper will discuss the needs of the company in regards to business operations and accounting, as well as discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the systems currently in place. Based on the current technological opportunities, suggestions will be made to further improve these systems, and evaluate any threats that may affect these systems. Primary Findings Business and Accounting Needs Business Needs As a retail company, Kudler Fine Foods needs to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Kathy Kudler budgeted over $50,000 for Smith Systems to select and install the existing finance and accounting system, called Retail Enterprise Management System (REMS). REMS provides an Point-of-Sale module, or POS module, to automate all retails sales made, in detail. This system automatically reports this data to the accounting modules, as well as manages all credit/debit card transactions made in the stores. This helps to eliminate data entry errors by limiting the amount of data requiring manual input by employees (Accounting System Overview, 2011). Accounting Needs REMS also addresses the accounting needs of KFF, by providing applications for the general ledger, accounts payable, bank reconciliation, asset management and accounting modules. Each of these modules is interconnected with the POS, which allows for direct transfer of data between modules (Accounting System Overview, 2011). General Ledger Module. The General Ledger module includes the chart of accounts, and transaction details transferred y the POS system. This data is used to create the company’s budget and financial reporting. Due to the electronic transfer of data from the POS to the general ledger, this module requires minimal manual data entry (Accounting System Overview, 2011). Accounts Payable Module. The AP module allows for the check disbursement portion of the business to be done electronically. This module holds vendor data, tax and freight data, and accepts data from other modules that directly affect purchasing (Accounting System Overview, 2011). Bank Reconciliation Module. Data from the accounts payable, accounts receivable and purchase order modules are compiled automatically by the bank reconciliation module. This data is used in cash flow analysis for financial reporting (Accounting System Overview, 2011). Asset Management and Accounting: There was no module created for this portion of the business. Kudler needs to develop an efficient and economical way to track inventory and other assets, other than relying on the leasing company and spreadsheets (Accounting System Overview, 2011). Strengths and Weaknesses in the Current System Strengths The strength in the existing information system is that the modules that are installed reduce the manual data entry, thus eliminating unnecessary errors to the information, by allowing the modules to share information provided by the point-of sale machines. The POS system itself is a major benefit to the IT system as a whole, due to the number of transactions it is able to detail, catalog and parse to the interconnected modules. Secondly, the network set up at each location supports 3-4 POS terminals, an inventory terminal and a server terminal. Each individual network, for each store is providing enough storage power for the needs of each location (Information Technology, 2011). Weaknesses As previously discussed, the network setup has benefits on an individual store basis. However, the system as a whole is not sufficient in running a cohesive, multi location business. Kudler’s inventory systems are completely separate from one another, which could cause a serious issue in asset management within the company. A second weakness is the lack of policy regarding security within the system. This could lead to vulnerability to an internet attack for customer personal information and identity theft. Also, without back up procedures, there is no way for Kudler to prevent data loss, should the network(s) fail. Recommendations Based on the information above, the recommendation for Kudler and KFF would be to first, establish a set of security policies and back up procedures, in order to prevent hacking and data loss, respectively. In order to do so, Kudler would best benefit by reestablishing a working relationship with Smith Systems. Smith would then set up and maintain an offsite server that will service all three KFF locations, and allow the company to consolidate the three separate inventory systems. The offsite server would then serve as a repository for all accounting, inventory and human resources related items. Doing so will cut down the potential staffing and duplication in the inventory system. Additionally this would reduce the number of servers required, and thus reduce the potential of IT related hardware issues. Conclusion To conclude, Kudler Fine Foods uses and information system established by Smith Systems that sufficiently handles point-of-service retail sales receipts, and disburses the information to the appropriate accounting software modules. The modules receive the financial data from the sales to create financial reports, budgeting reports, and analyze accounts receivable and accounts payable. The system also maintains ordering and purchase order data, however, it does not maintain a single inventory module, which could track the sales of these items after the goods are received in the individual stores. In order for this to occur, Kudler needs to establish a solid set of security measures and procedures in the case of data loss. To address this, Smith Systems can be contracted to maintain an offsite server with security maintenance. This will help to prevent internet attacks by hackers searching for customer identification and credit card information. Once these changes are in effect KFF should see an increase in efficiency in the current systems in use.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparison Between Sculpture in Kuwait and Australia Essay -- Art

Comparison between Sculpture in Kuwait and Australia Research Objectives There have been significant differences between the sculptures in Kuwait and those in Australia. The research will evaluate the weaknesses in Kuwait sculptures in terms of funds accessible, available galleries and the public awareness on this artistic works. In addition, the research will evaluate ways of strengthening the sculptures in Kuwait. Synopsis The difference between contemporary and traditional art can be demonstrated by analyzing the sculptures in Kuwait. This is because the available sculptures have been neglected and the artists remain unappreciated despite their amazing talent and dedication. This paper will analyze the galleries in Kuwait, the art schools, funds allocated and the existing sculptures, and compare these factors with those in Australia. The differences to be realized after the analysis will be used to develop a strategy aimed at improving the sculptures and other artworks in Kuwait. Background Information The sculptures available in Kuwait have been long forgotten, especially those in public places. The sculpture in Rumaithiya is one example of sculptures that have been neglected, as demonstrated by the rust and cracks in the sculpture (Modeen 2009). For a very long time, many people have ignored artworks and sculptures across Kuwait. The government has also not been vibrant enough to promote sculpture making. This has made individuals to take to other jobs, hence reducing the number of artists willing to engage in sculpture making. The artists who have concentrated in sculpture making have been reducing in numbers given that in this era developed computer software is being used to generate virtual designs. Graphic design ... ...ill take another seven days after which the renowned artists and sculptors will be contacted. Depending on their schedules, the study will give each individual an allowance of ten days, and since the artists will be three, one month will be used to conduct the interviews. Works Cited Art Kuwait 2011, Spatial sound sculpture – new generation of art, viewed 29 August 2011, Drury, N 1993, New sculpture: Profiles in contemporary Australian sculpture, Craftsman House, Sydney. Lumley, A 1990, Sydney's sculpture, Longman Cheshire, Sydney. Modeen, T 2009, Public sculpture in Kuwait – Rumaithiya, viewed 29 August 2011, Sturgeon, G 1991, Contemporary Australian sculpture, Craftsman House, Sydney.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Media studies †Life on Mars Essay

How does life on mars (2006) use visual codes, technical, audio and narrative codes to create a sense of excitement and encourage the audience to watch. In this first episode of Life on Mars there are many different codes and conventions used to make this series instantly appealing to the audience. The episode is excellently paced and smartly directed, getting us into 1973 within 10 minutes and introducing new characters effortlessly. Sequence 1 of life on mars gets the audience instantly familiar with the genre, the episode begins with a police car chasing down a suspect which quickly shows us this is a hybrid police crime drama. The diegetic sounds of police sirens and dogs along with the non diegetic music, a heartbeat which is corresponding with Sam the detective in the police car creating suspense as we get a feel for how Sam is feeling as the heartbeat signifies his nerves also introducing the audience to protagonist Sam Tyler, these audio codes add up to create an exciting police chase which again expresses the genre of ‘Life on Mars’. Once out of the car Sam is forced to chase his primary suspect down an ally way in a council estate in the city giving the audience a feel for the setting. The music isn’t as dramatic while the chase is happening but speeds up during more dramatic parts of the chase which creates suspense. Cinema-verte is used when filming the chase which makes the audience feel almost part of the chase, this entertaining filming technique and creative use of music makes Life on Mars exciting to the audience creating enigma and encouraging them to watch on. This chase takes us up to Colin Raimes arrest bringing us to sequence 2. In sequence 2 Sam’s colleague and girlfriend, Maya, are interviewing suspect Colin Raimes. Sam and Maya facing Colin and his lawyers, which creates tension between these two sets of people. During the interview there is a close up of Colin Raimes which engages the audience creating tension and increasing the viewers curiosity as to what this suspect has done and makes them wonder has he done it or not? The diegetic recording sound in the background shows the viewers the interview is being recorded and shows the viewers the seriousness of the situation, the room is dark with little light which creates a professional mood, the dark setting is a technique used to scare the suspect in to talking, perfect for the situation. The narrative codes in this sequence reveal allot about Colin Raimes as he gets upset by the images he is being shown, we learn Colin sees a psychiatrist and his lawyers talk about how kids would throw fireworks at him on his estate. This is evidence to show that Colin is vulnerable and is possibly mad, the audience may take pity on him or take a different view on the suspect, this makes the viewers curious and increases their want to watch on. After the interview in sequence 3, Maya isn’t done with the suspect and decides to follow him on her own, only to be kidnapped. Once Maya is kidnapped Sam becomes sad and heads out looking for her, there is a close up of Sams face and he is distressed with tears running from his eyes. This visual codes will make the audience feel sympathetic towards Sam and shows us perhaps he is feeling stronger than just friendship for Maya. Sams nerves eventually get the better of him when he has to stop the car to refresh himself, standing there half-heartedly he says into himself,’ The world is a scary place’ again this shows the audience he is thinking about Maya and wants to find her increasing their sympathy for him and overall making the viewers want to continue to watch to see the conclusion. The different audio codes used express Sams feeling for Maya as the non diegetic music plays softly whilst he cries and thinks about her, this corresponds with the visual codes creating a sympathetic feel for the protagonist making the audience pity him. Sam is unexpectedly struck by a speeding vehicle which brings me to sequence four. Sam is struck very unexpectedly and this may have came as a shock to the audience, the accident is very unexpected and this is done deliberately to shock the audience as this scene is key to the viewers as it is where the storyline unfolds as after this it is based in 1973, where Sam time travels back in time. The diegetic sounds used are very impacting, when the car hits Sam, initially there is a loud sound to signify he has been hit, after this all that can be heard is silence which corresponds with how the audience will feel, as they will be shocked at what has just happened. This creates enigma and increases the viewers curiosity to keep watching and they are now introduced to how Life on Mars is going to take place. (back in time) will Sam be okay? what will happen next? are few of the questions the audience will be asking making them exciting and encouraging them to keep watching. Once Sam is hit and the audience are aware of what happened there is a close up of him laying vulnerably on the ground, this close up shot shows his eyes, wide open but yet not moving, with only police sirens and a heartbeat which is corresponding with Sams as he lays on the tarmac, creating tension and making the audience question if he is even alive. This close up then changes to a high shot as the camera slowly moves up, looking down on Sam which shows how empty the road is, no traffic just him. This suggests a change in time and expresses to the audience what has happened introducing them to 1973. These visual and technical codes all raise the audiences awareness causing them to ask questions and want to know the conclusion. Sequence five is the most important as, Sam wakes up to find himself in 1973, complete with 1970s era clothing and an 8-track playing â€Å"Life on Mars† in a car. Dazed and confused, Sam wanders back to the police precinct he works at, only to find it filled with cigarette-smoking, gum-chewing strangers he’s never seen before. The music is significant as before the crash David Bowies 1970’s song â€Å"Life on Mars† was playing on Sams ipod in the car. This is strange as he has travelled back in time to when this song was just out and extremely popular. Sams feeling are conveyed in different ways, with voices in his head from when he was a boy repeating,’ where are you?’ as he wakes up in a forest, obviously not where he was before. Creating enigma for the audience and making them aware of the time change increasing their excitement and want to continue watching. When Sam stands up in 1973, with no clue as to where he is the camera is low angled and is circling him while â€Å"Life on Mars† plays which really creates a confusing atmosphere showing that Sam does not know what is going on. This technical camera work helps to express Sams feelings and shows the audience a broader understanding of what’s going on. Everything has changed in Sams world, The set designs and costumes effectively evoke the era, as well as the grittiness of the run-down neighbourhood and police precinct. Everything feels straight out of the 70s, from the clothing to the cars to the horridly ugly decorating in Sam’s apartment. Throughout the episode, Sam hears hospital noises and doctor voices and at one point sees a person on late night TV talking like a doctor describing Sam being in a coma. Sam becomes increasingly convinced that he truly is in a coma, and that none of this world is real. he believes it is all part of his imagination. These are some of the ways in which Sam portrays his feelings to the audience during this sequence. Which allows the audience to get to know Sam and begin to have a feel for his character encouraging them to continue to watch Life on Mars. Later Sam meets a young police officer named Annie Cartwright who he begins to open up to and express his opinion and at one point tells her â€Å"I had an accident and when I woke up, I was here. Only here is 33 years in the past. Now, that either makes me a time-traveller, a lunatic, or I’m lying in a hospital bed in 2006 and none of this is real.† This quotation of what he says gives the audience insight into how he feels about the whole situation, this again allows the audience to engage with Sam and feel what he is going through, the audience will grow a certain like for Sam and this creates a sense of excitement and encourages the audience to continue to watch â€Å"Life on Mars†.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nordstrom vs. Macy’s

Nordstrom's vs. Macy's Future Challenges Historically speaking, Canada has never been a great market for American retailers. The Canadian dollar was weak, costs were higher, and with limited real estate development, it was difficult to find space. Not anymore, now the door to Canada is opening wider than ever thanks to a stronger Canadian dollar, a relatively robust economy, and a loosening of the commercial real estate market, in part because of the downsizing of some longtime retailers like Sears Canada.For American retailers, Canada’s allure is simple; sales per square foot at Canadian malls were almost 50 percent higher in 2011 than sales per square foot at American malls. This is a budding market that Nordstrom will need to act towards if they hope to keep up with the competition in the future. Important Decisions Nordstrom’s has made many very important decisions in the past that have shaped them into the company they are today. The first and most important came i n 1901 when founder John W.Nordstrom decided to use the money he had left from the gold rush to open a shoe store in Seattle with Carl Wallin, called Wallin & Nordstrom. The next big decision came in 1966 when it was decided that the Nordstrom's shoe store in Portland would begin selling clothing as well. This marked a pivotal change in direction for Nordstrom’s. After the success of the Portland store, it was decided to implement the idea in the other stores. In the 1980’s Nordstrom’s experienced a boom. This was due to many factors but one of the most prevalent was their amazing use of customer support.Over almost anyone else Nordstrom’s prides itself on having some of, if not the best, customer support. This is helped by them recruiting managers from the ranks of salespeople thereby encouraging their employees to work harder while maintaining high moral. Nordstrom, along with the retail industry, sources products from around the world, and this means t hey encounter a wide range of global challenges. Many of these challenges—such as forced labor and health and safety issues—are cause for very real concern for all retailers. To address these concerns, Nordstrom created the Nordstrom Social Responsibility team in 1994.This team works closely with their Nordstrom Product Group (NPG) manufacturers and vendors to ensure that Nordstrom-label products are made in accordance with all applicable laws and ethical labor practices. Past Challenges Single-digit growth became the norm for Nordstrom throughout the early and mid-1990s. Sales grew sluggish thanks in large part to fluctuations in demand for women's apparel and the severe recession in southern California, where more than half of the company's total store square footage was located in the early years of the decade. The double-digit growth of the 1980s was gone.The sales increases of the 1990s were largely attributable to new store openings. By 2003 after several changes in management Nordstrom appeared to have regained its lost luster through cost containment, technology initiatives, and a refocusing on its niche: luxury goods at affordable prices. Some analysts considered technology to be the key component, particularly a new state-of-the-art merchandising system, which began to be rolled out in 2002. The system could track sales minute by minute throughout its stores, enabling Nordstrom to reduce markdowns and better target its offerings to customers.On the merchandise side, the retailer began introducing edgier fashion offerings in a department called â€Å"via C,† in an attempt to leverage its core customer base, which was younger and had a wider age range than its main competitors, Neiman-Marcus Co. and Saks Incorporated. Nordstrom enjoyed its most profitable year ever in 2003. Nordstrom’s continued reliance on aggressive sales tactics came around to bite them in late 1980s. The employees' union (which was later decertified) com plained about the pressure on employees to sell.In late 1989 a group of unionized employees charged that they were not being paid for performing extra services to customers. In February 1990, after a three-month investigation, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries alleged that the company had systematically violated state laws by failing to pay employees for a variety of duties, such as delivering merchandise and doing inventory work. The agency ordered Nordstrom to change its compensation and record-keeping procedures, and to pay back wages to some of Nordstrom's 30,000 employees.Soon after, the firm created a $15 million reserve to pay back-wage claims. The company, however, remained a target of class-action lawsuits on these matters, which were finally settled out of court in early 1993 when Nordstrom agreed to pay a set percentage of compensation to employees who worked at Nordstrom from 1987 to 1990. The settlement cost the company between $20 million and $30 mi llion. Specific Competitive Advantages One specific competitive advantage Macy's holds over Nordstrom's is its target demographic.While Nordstrom's focuses mainly on career moms between the ages of 35 and 50, Macy's recently launched â€Å"Millennial strategy† states that its merchandise areas primarily serve ages 19-30. The millennial generation (ages 13-30) is now America's largest and most diverse generation, spending an estimated $65 billion each year for the type of merchandise sold at Macy's. A much larger demographic gives Macy's a competitive advantage. On the other hand, Nordstrom's has a distinct advantage over Macy's when it comes to customer loyalty and social-oriented traffic.Macy's and Nordstrom's have been largely based in malls for decades, but recently, malls have become less popular in the United States. As a result, both companies have been forced to open free-standing stores in scattered locations in a community. Since Nordstrom's has a slightly older demo graphic with more buying power and need for social status through brands, loyal customers of Nordstrom's will be more willing to travel to shop there. Macy's, who targets a younger demographic, has less loyal customers with buying power and relies more on impulse buyers and young mall-goers looking to spend a little extra money.Comparative Statistics In 2011, Macy's boasted $26. 4 billion in net sales. That figure has grown steadily since the economic crash of 2008. Nordstrom's showed $10. 8 billion in net sales in the same year. Again, this figure has grown steadily since the economic downturn. Macy's has a whopping 171,000 employees. Nordstrom's has only 52,430 employees as of 2011. With Macy's being a much larger chain, this difference is to be expected. Macy's operates 400 stores in 33 states as of the year ended 2012. Currently, Nordstrom's operates 109 stores in 28 states.In May of 2007, Macy's reached its pinnacle of prosperity in terms of market shares value and profitabilit y. Its common stock price was valued at 45. 05 and business was looking up. Surprisingly, by October of the next year, the stock price had plummeted as low as 7. 42 as the company struggled to stay afloat and fight through the crippling recession. Today, the stock has recovered to 41. 71, and is predicted to continue its growth. Nordstrom's, however, has shown more resilience through the recession. While it still fell from 55. 1 to 11. 37 in 2008, it has shot up to rates above its previous record. With the stock price as high as 57. 2 in the past year, Nordstrom shows a stronger trend of increase than Macy's. Summary We recommend investing in Nordstrom over Macy’s. With Nordstrom’s forecasted growth and success in Canadian markets, we expect Nordstrom to grow consistently for years to come. While Macy’s size and net income are attractive, we feel that Nordstrom has a better management structure and potential for growth in coming years.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Online MBA During Trying Times Essays

An Online MBA During Trying Times Essays An Online MBA During Trying Times Essay An Online MBA During Trying Times Essay The rhythm of life ebbs and flows; the most we can sincerely count on is the fact that nothing will ever remain the same for too long. While we all surely wish that we could live a life that is predominately smooth and enjoyable, we recognize that we are going to face trying times here and there throughout our lives. Often, the only way that we can see our way clear to finding our way out of turmoil is to be proactive and aggressively seek out those things that will help us find ourselves again. There is a particular time in our lives during which we may feel exceptionally unfulfilled with where we are and what we have accomplished; a feeling of overall dissatisfaction and the general malaise that come with feeling there is little time or options to change that which has already been done. Some people refer to this time as a â€Å"mid life crisis† but the fact is that such feelings can come at any age. For those of us who may be particularly dissatisfied with our careers, we may consider this the time to pursue a higher education so as to further our opportunities in the industry of our choosing and perhaps change the course of our lives. But while this may be the desire, the reality is that with a job already in place, and other responsibilities holding our attention, it is challenging at best to fit more schooling into the equation. Subsequently, this may be the time to pursue an online degree such as an online MBA. Many people pursuing a higher education often look to the MBA – a powerful degree that can open many career doors. But with life being as harried as it often is – and in the midst of an already emotional time – most people would find the prospect of traveling to and from campus unthinkable. An online MBA allows students to earn the degree from the comfort of their homes – and within the timeframe that is convenient for them; which means the work required to earn an online degree can be done at night, in the mornings, on weekends, or whenever is best suited for the student.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jodi Picoult Bio

Jodi Picoult Bio Jodi Picoult is a bestselling author of literary fiction, although many have called her books womens fiction. Shes an unusually  prolific author, having written over twenty novels. Jodi Picoults books are quick paced and controversial. Is the woman behind the books as provocative?   Born: May 19, 1966, in Nesconset on Long Island in New York. Family Life: Picoults family moved to New Hampshire when she was 13. Although she left New Hampshire for college and her early jobs, she settled there again as a married woman. She currently lives in Hanover, New Hampshire with her husband, Tim Van Leer, and their three children, Sammy, Kyle and Jake. She was raised in a non-practacing  Jewish household.   Education: Picoult studied writing at Princeton University, where she earned her bachelors degree. She also earned a masters degree in education from Harvard University. Writing: Picoult wrote her first story, The Lobster which Misunderstood, when she was five. While at Princeton, she published two stories in Seventeen magazine. She wrote her first novel, Songs of the Humpback Whale, while she was pregnant with her first child, and published it in 1992. Picoults novels usually deal with ethical issues and are told from a variety of viewpoints, with each chapter written in a different characters voice. Picoult uses this technique to show multiple sides of a situation and underscore areas of moral ambiguity. She has several reoccurring  characters, who have appeared in multiple books. While characters may make cameo appearances the books are not part of a series. All of her novels are stand alone titles.   She is known for her incredibly researched plots, many of which involve some kind of courtroom drama. As she usually writes roughly a book a year, Picoult is always researching one book while completing work on a previous title.   Here is a complete list of all Jodi Picoults books. Movies: Picoult writes stories that are heart-wrenching and full of family drama. It should be no surprise, then, that several of her books have been adapted into films for Lifetime, a TV network for women. Her first feature film, My Sisters Keeper, was released in theaters in 2009. It starred Cameron Diaz and Abigail  Breslin. Here is a complete list of all Jodi Picoults movies. Jodi Picoult Trivia: Picoults family has two Springer spaniels, two donkeys, two geese, three ducks and six chickens.When her oldest son finished reading My Sisters Keeper, he broke into tears and wouldnt speak to his mother for a while because he was so mad about the ending.Picoult has had personal experience with the sort of medical drama she writes about. When her middle son, Jake, was six he was diagnosed with cholesteatoma in his ear a benign tumor that can grow into your brain and kill you. He had 10 surgeries in three years and was partially deaf until recently.Picoult likes to read Alice Hoffman.Picoult has also written one book titled  Off the Page  with her daughter. Sammy chose to write under the name Samantha van Leer. It is considered a young adult novel.   Jodi Picoults Official Website:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Writing Warm Ups for More Productive Writing

7 Writing Warm Ups for More Productive Writing Wonder how to stimulate and encourage your brain to simply dive into the writing process? A few warm-up activities will help to get your words and ideas flowing. Why is it important to warm up? The answer is quite predictable: to avoid the writers block and start writing right away. You would be surprised at how much writing will come from you once youre warmed up. Youll easily banish all distractions and get down to putting the words on paper. Here are a few proven ways to make you think and force your brains into action. 1. Describe Whats Going On Outside Your Window It is the easiest writing warm up ever! You just to have look out your window and write down your observations. Try not just to focus on people, buildings and weather, think what else is there. Do you see something unusual? Consider the peoples emotions and imagine what they may be talking about. Try to be specific to make sure that your description takes no more than 5 sentences. Its just a short warm up that shouldnt last more than 15 minutes. 2. Write Imaginary Definitions of Unknown Words Take a dictionary and open it on a random page. Find a word you are not sure how to define. Then create an imaginary definition for it. Play with words and youll discover new ways of saying old things. Be inspired and your imagination will help you produce the most vivid descriptions. Repeat this exercise for several times until you feel that your brain is warmed up enough to proceed with your main task. 3. Describe Your First Experience Describe your first. Your first day of school, first kitten, first job, first car, first yoga class, first date, it doesnt matter – all will make excellent stories. The first time of doing something is always an exciting experience, so youll easily find the right words to describe it and avoid that situation of staring at a blank sheet of paper. Concentrate on your emotions and start developing them in full – get the creative juices flowing! 4. Pretend Youre a Travel Writer Find a world map and blindly put your finger somewhere. Then pretend you are a travel writer and tell about the weird experience in that particular country. What happened? How did you behave in that unusual situation? How did you solve the problem? You may include anyone and anything you want into your story – locals, taxi drivers, bartenders, random people. Youll get a killer piece of content, just take some inspiration and put your pen to paper. 5. Create a Half-Page Monologue Creating monologues is a great way to warm up, so get in the habit of writing them. Take a newspaper or go to google news, find an interesting headline, then decide on a character who comes from that headline and write a short monologue for that character. Be specific, it is just a warm up and you dont have to create a long piece of writing. A half-page monologue will be more than enough to get your brain into the writing mode. 6. Write a Letter to Your Future Self Writing a letter can be a really wonderful experience. There are no restrictions on how old you should be – one year, five years or 10 years from now. What would you say? What kind of person would you be? What goals would you want to have achieved? Think about your place in life, your achievements or fails. First of all, identify the period of time to write about and start writing. Dont pay much attention to the letter format as its just a quick warm up. 7. Consider a Free Writing Session Give yourself a time limit and go. Dont stop, just get the words on a page. Write about everything that comes to your mind. Dont give your brain a moment to stop or evaluate your ideas, set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes and write without interruption. Free writing is not the time for editing or judging, you need to keep your pen moving. You will see that a free writing session is beneficial for more productive writing.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Journey from Paper to Paperless Office Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Journey from Paper to Paperless Office - Essay Example 635- 650; 2005; Dos Santos & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001; Miesing, pp753-770, 2003; Salmon, pp.491-502, 2000; Scifres et al., pp247-250, 2003). For example, Cohen and Lippert (pp745, 2005) commented that computer-based workflow "may be useful for skills-based training but may not be useful for creative-thinking workflow or general paperless workplace." Thus, several researchers have suggested that rather than replacing traditional with on-line workflow, the benefits of both traditional and paperless techniques could be realized through mixed-mode workflow in which face-to-face business but paperless workflow which is enhanced by using the Web (Bigelow, pp. 635- 650; 2005; Bilimoria, pp.232-243, 2006; Dos Santos & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001; Human et al., pp.584- 606, 2005; Miesing,pp753-770; 2003; Parikh & Verma, pp. 27- 46, 2002; Salmon, pp. 491-502, 2000). Such a mixed mode of interaction usually consists of traditional workplace workflow augmented by using a web portal that enables emplo yees to--among other things--continue discussion of project concepts and cases outside the workplace (when travelling etc) using a bulletin board; conduct group work on-line through chat rooms; take tests on-line; and access office files, collaborate and communicate, video/voice conference on-line (e.g., Bigelow, pp. 635- 650; 2005; Dos Santos & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001; Fredickson, pp.67-77, 2005; Shrivastava, pp.691-702, 2005). Specifically, a firm that operates as an intelligent ... services to clients; creates a collaborative culture that encourages sharing and learning; and deploys technology solutions that help eliminate repeatable processes, capture knowledge, enhance client communications, and attract and retain the most talented professionals. Researchers have argued that "paperless workplace in particular, could benefit from the use of some of these technologies" in conjunction with traditional methods (Bilimoria, pp.232-243, 2006; Dos Santos & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001: 53; Salmon, pp. 491-502, 2000). Transferring administrative and purely informational aspects of workflow to the web portal frees up office time for employees to work on interpersonal and communication skills, which are critical to success in project completion, which have been found to be best developed through face-to-face traditional methods (e.g., Bigelow, pp. 635- 650; 2005; Dos Santos & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001; Scifres et al., pp. 247-250, 2003). The use of a web portal as a supplement to traditional management projects has also been found to increase employees' participation in discussion of cases and project concepts and to lead to more thorough and higher quality discussion than in traditional workplaces alone (Bilimoria, pp.232-243, 2006; Dos Santo s & Wright, pp.53- 64; 2001). Paperless workplace researchers have also demonstrated that by encouraging an active workplace environment in which employees communicate virtually and asynchronously, the use of a web portal can help develop technological and communications skills that enable employees to increase their productivity and get more comfortable with computers in the workplace" (Meisel & Marx, 2005: 719). A web portal can also be used to reduce the number of in-office lectures and face-to-face group meetings in a

Effects of Gender on Effective Corporate Leadership Research Paper

Effects of Gender on Effective Corporate Leadership - Research Paper Example This essay declares that  Leadership is a process of collective influence whereby one person solicits the aid and support of followers and from other leaders to get organization’s goals accomplished. Effective leadership requires closer interaction between the leader and a follower, in a way, that they can easily influence the course of action of their followers to achieve a particular goal.  Various studies advocate effective leadership as characterized by intrinsic values and traits possessed by certain groups of people and their efficiency of application in the business environment to achieve desired goals or to solve organization crisis.  Leaders are known to use different strategies and leadership styles of management and, of course, the outcome of their practices differ across the organizations. This study will be focusing on the main differences between male from female their leadership styles by examining leadership traits for effective leadership. The study is based on the assumption that women are more likely to interact freely with their followers and influence their course of action while male impose their ideologies on their followers establishing autocratic leadership in the organizations.  Effective leadership is determined by other underlying factors apart from personal leadership attributes. The document will focus on female competence leadership traits and an assessing of factors limiting effective leadership among the women.     

Friday, October 18, 2019

Motivation Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motivation Plan - Research Paper Example These efforts will then set the stage for the Job enrichment program. It is hoped that these efforts will generate the targeted measures. However, beyond those figures, it is hoped that these motivation plan will bring back the confidence of the GM employees to the company and help bring General Motors back to its pre-crisis stature as one of the most admired companies in the U.S. and one of the foremost automobile manufacturer in the world. Organization: General Motors Corporation (GM) General Motors Corporation (GM) was among the biggest casualties during the â€Å"Great Recession† that rocked the entire global economy. It is the biggest automobile manufacturer in the United States and one of the highest employers of the nation. GM manufactures Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and many other brands of cars and trucks sold to over 30 countries worldwide. Last June 2009, GM filed for bankruptcy wiping out jobs and share value in drastically affecting employees and investors alike. A lso, retirees have been affected with some cuts in their health care benefits and pensions have been threatened (Isidore). Prior to the credit crunch of 2008, the historic surrender of one of the biggest and oldest companies was practically unthinkable. In fact, people have generally held the â€Å"General† in high regard. ... Need for a Motivational Plan, Benefits & Selection Process There are three important goals for employees namely equity, achievement and camaraderie. As such, employees need to feel that there is equal treatment which must apply to all the basics aspects of their job such as the compensation, the benefits accorded to them and of course the way they are treated. Also, they must feel secure about the job and this must be a general feeling within the whole organization. Likewise, employees ought to be able to take pride in what they are doing, what they have done and of course who they are doing these things for. At the same time, employees are able to be more motivated if they have a mutually beneficial working condition with their colleagues (Sirota, Mischkind, Meltzer). These have been practically decimated when General Motors Corporation (GM) succumbed to the recession. In fact, there remains an underlying uncertainty as to what the future will hold for these employees. Thus, this mo tivational plan is prepared to help improve the morale of the employees by designing a program that will help line leaders be motivated as well as their employees through a spill over effect. The motivation plan will be integrated on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) so that it can be measured easily. This is a very important aspect to ensure that the motivational plan is followed through since having the capability to measure work affects employee behavior. Likewise, the BSC will enable the policymakers to have a quick clear view of what is going on in the organization. This is possible since the BSC not only focuses on the traditional measure of finance but considers other key perspectives as well such as the customer perspective, internal business

Art history summary and answer question Assignment - 1

Art history summary and answer question - Assignment Example Moreover, he spelled out that Vasari could sing divinely without any preparations. Through outrageous incredible attributes of Leonardo, Vasari is able to capture people’s attention towards Leonardo’s life. Another factor that Vasari points out is that Leonardo was a ‘multi-player’; he was able to perform numerous tasks interchangeably and easily. He did not give up on drawing and relief workings despite doing other things such as playing lyre, doing arithmetic and singing. Overall then Vasari was able to influence Leonardo’s fame after his death through the style of oratory, hyperbole and idealistic comments. Vasari’s oratory praise style was very instrumental in elevating the life of Leonardo. To begin with he argued that Leonardo’s fame was great when he was still alive and enhanced when he passed on. He expounded on this view holding that the heavens, in seldom times, sent people some individuals who represented both humanity and divinity. This, Vasari believed was important to people such that it enabled them to view it as a model and imitate it so as to approach the heavenly highest parts with their mind and with the intellect excellence. Through this explanation, Vasari is able to capture people’s emotions such that Leonardo, with his impeccable attributes, was a real role model for many people and hope for them that they could reach far. Besides, Rubin (pg. 97) adds that individuals who wish to follow Leonardo’s footsteps of such admirable attributes via studying, even when not helped by nature to realize such magnitude; could at least embrace the works of divine of those who play a part of the divinity. From these comments of Vasari, enormous praise was notably laid on Leonardo before people intentionally. In fact Rubin (pg. 97) argues that Vasari was deliberate by using unique terms and metaphors in describing Leonardo’s ‘wondrous and divinity’ characteristics. Rubin argues

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Person Who Made an Impact in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Person Who Made an Impact in My Life - Essay Example He had also lived a moral life, that his integrity is beyond reproach. He is also a very good family man. He has a wife who loves him and whom he loves back, with children who equally loves and respects him and are also motivated to excel in their chosen fields of endeavors. This is the reason why I kept on pushing myself to do better in school and to study different fields of endeavor because I know that to do good in my chosen career, I have to prepare myself well through a good and multi-disciplined education. As a student, my uncle was a scholar and had different degrees. His academic preparation enabled him to excel in his chosen career. I am doing the same thing today. I am trying my best to do well in school and to expose myself in the different field of studies to make myself a well-rounded professional when I have graduated later and embarked on a professional career. I consider myself lucky because I realize this lesson early in my life. I know that all this hard work, all this perseverance that I am exerting will pay off when I graduated in school because this will prepare me well to excel in my chosen field of endeavor. I am hoping that when I have already graduated in school, I will be successful like him both in my professional and personal life. Essay B: The Recent Financial Crisis (issue of importance to me) When I ask what recent issue I consider important that has significance to me, my family and the community at large, I cannot help but talk about the recent financial crisis. The crisis made the lives of a lot of people difficult. There were people I know personally who lost their jobs and their homes, and young as I am, I felt how desperate the situation was. Perhaps the recent financial difficulty that everybody experienced during the recent crisis made the young people in this generation to mature early. We began to worry about our future and this country when we only used to think about ourselves. Suddenly, we were thinking about politic al issues and responsibilities because we saw how some families disintegrate with the crisis and cannot help to wonder how the crisis happened. People of my age became aware and realized how vulnerable our country to crisis. When we begin to think like that, perhaps it is safe to surmise that we matured early. Personally, the recent financial crisis sparked my curiosity to inquire about what caused the crisis that made people lost their jobs and their homes. I was dismayed to know that the root cause of the financial crisis was the greed of a few people that eventually took the toll in our economy. I will no longer discuss the details of the root cause of the crisis so as not to consume space in this paper but suffice to say that had the financial professionals been ethical in their practice and considered beyond themselves, the crisis would not have happened. In a way, my inquiry on what caused the recent financial crisis had taught me how important it is to be ethical in our profe ssional practice because a profession’s collective misdemeanor will have an impact not only in their respective industry but also on the economy as a whole. I learned that the lack of ethics in ones professional practice will make people distrustful not only in our industry but also in our economic system as a whole.  Ã‚  

Issues in global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Issues in global business - Essay Example In addition, if the firm has specialized products or services, which cannot be found or found in minor varieties in a foreign market, then also firms will adopt internationalization and become an MNC. Instead of competing in a saturated local environment, if the firm becomes MNC, it will have access to new markets and new customers. In foreign countries, people will always view foreign products with big expectations, particularly if it is a well known brand. If the MNCs are able to provide superior quality product than the local companies, it can attract many customers and earn good profits. However, the disadvantage is, in most cases, the MNCs have to launch a new and localized marketing campaign, to build a brand from scratch. As the local companies would have been operating for a long time, they will be in the minds of the people, but MNCs has to carry out campaigns and this could take time. There are a number of entry paths available to the MNCs to enter foreign countries. However, the common paths are Direct Investment, Joint Ventures, Franchising, Mergers, etc. Although, Direct Investment will be the favourable mode of entry for the foreign firms, if there are any government regulations against it, then they will go for joint ventures and franchising. Franchising has become one of the common entry paths because franchises have local knowledge and expertise that can be leveraged to a competitive advantage. (Neelankavil and Rai

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Person Who Made an Impact in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Person Who Made an Impact in My Life - Essay Example He had also lived a moral life, that his integrity is beyond reproach. He is also a very good family man. He has a wife who loves him and whom he loves back, with children who equally loves and respects him and are also motivated to excel in their chosen fields of endeavors. This is the reason why I kept on pushing myself to do better in school and to study different fields of endeavor because I know that to do good in my chosen career, I have to prepare myself well through a good and multi-disciplined education. As a student, my uncle was a scholar and had different degrees. His academic preparation enabled him to excel in his chosen career. I am doing the same thing today. I am trying my best to do well in school and to expose myself in the different field of studies to make myself a well-rounded professional when I have graduated later and embarked on a professional career. I consider myself lucky because I realize this lesson early in my life. I know that all this hard work, all this perseverance that I am exerting will pay off when I graduated in school because this will prepare me well to excel in my chosen field of endeavor. I am hoping that when I have already graduated in school, I will be successful like him both in my professional and personal life. Essay B: The Recent Financial Crisis (issue of importance to me) When I ask what recent issue I consider important that has significance to me, my family and the community at large, I cannot help but talk about the recent financial crisis. The crisis made the lives of a lot of people difficult. There were people I know personally who lost their jobs and their homes, and young as I am, I felt how desperate the situation was. Perhaps the recent financial difficulty that everybody experienced during the recent crisis made the young people in this generation to mature early. We began to worry about our future and this country when we only used to think about ourselves. Suddenly, we were thinking about politic al issues and responsibilities because we saw how some families disintegrate with the crisis and cannot help to wonder how the crisis happened. People of my age became aware and realized how vulnerable our country to crisis. When we begin to think like that, perhaps it is safe to surmise that we matured early. Personally, the recent financial crisis sparked my curiosity to inquire about what caused the crisis that made people lost their jobs and their homes. I was dismayed to know that the root cause of the financial crisis was the greed of a few people that eventually took the toll in our economy. I will no longer discuss the details of the root cause of the crisis so as not to consume space in this paper but suffice to say that had the financial professionals been ethical in their practice and considered beyond themselves, the crisis would not have happened. In a way, my inquiry on what caused the recent financial crisis had taught me how important it is to be ethical in our profe ssional practice because a profession’s collective misdemeanor will have an impact not only in their respective industry but also on the economy as a whole. I learned that the lack of ethics in ones professional practice will make people distrustful not only in our industry but also in our economic system as a whole.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategies for effective college level writing; Essay

Strategies for effective college level writing; - Essay Example The first strategy that a college student should adopt is coming up with a sequential strategy for developing composition. The first step should be to come up with a pre-write. Writing early and often can help a student to become acquainted with writing essays. It is also important to use diagrams to develop thought pattern which will give the student a better perspective on the subject of the essay. It is also a good habit to write at least two drafts before writing the final paper. After developing the draft, the next step is revising the draft based on the advice from peers and instructors. Finally, the student should make a habit of proofreading the final draft and correcting grammatical errors and other errors before writing the final paper (Bezbatchenko, 2013). No matter the level of complexity the assignment involves, the best papers are always the ones that were as a result of a carefully planned approach. That means that one has to plan the available time carefully to avoid last minute rush and a poorly written paper. Students are advised to ensure that they have planned times to start and end writing. Therefore, one will be compelled to start writing when the time arrives. This is important since it will help the student avoid procrastination. One will also need time to do research, brainstorm ideas, organize materials, process and analyze ideas, write and re-write the paper. Students have a habit of writing shallow content in their papers. This is a result of poor research and poor time management. Unless one has been specifically instructed to write a research paper, college level writing involves more than collecting information from various sources and writing them as a college paper. It is important for a student to establish a unique perspective on the topic. As one searches for information, one should consider developing their own voices in the paper. The paper should be written with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Transcript of Herbie By Archie Weller Essay Example for Free

Transcript of Herbie By Archie Weller Essay Colour Symbol Image Herbie by Archie Weller Colour, Symbol, Image By Samuel Beech The colour black is very symbolic in the story â€Å"Herbie† by Archie Weller, the colour black is associated with dark, sinister and contentious acts as is apparent is this morally challenging piece of text. The text challenges our values as a young boy is bullied until he falls to his death out of a tree he is forced to climb. The fact that an indigenous writer has written this text from the point of view of a racist young white boy, suggests that he is trying to get young white boys to see the damage they can cause . Black in some cultures is seen as the work of the devil and in some as the colour of mourning and a representation of grief. The darkness of the colour black helps bring forward one of the key ideas of racial superiority. â€Å"Herbie was the only boong to go to our school. Perhaps this is why we taunted and teased him,† this quote backs the key idea of racial superiority. The ‘whitefellas’ in the town regard Herbie and his family as outcast and they see themselves as racially superior. This comes about because of naturalised assumptions developed since 1788 when the European sailors saw the aboriginals still running around in there loin cloths and with no apparent form of Literature. Since then the naturalised assumption has been strengthened by many different things, the white Australian Policy being one of them. When the Australian government stopped non-whites immigrating. The colour black is symbolic of the white suppression of the indigenous in Australia. The colour could also be symbolic of a cultural genocide against Herbies family and his culture.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

School Vouchers Essay -- Educational Vouchers Scholarships

One of the most important topics in government today is the issue of school vouchers. The two sides have remained deeply entrenched in their rival positions concerning this issue. Some wonder about the practicality of using the vouchers, while others wonder if it is defeating the purpose of the educational system. Educational vouchers can be very beneficial for both the student and even the school districts involved in the program. Many people do not realize the benefits of this program. Educational vouchers are something that many school districts need to implement due to their advantages. The benefits of educational vouchers very much outweigh the disadvantages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Educational vouchers, also known as scholarships, redirect the flow of education funding, channeling it directly to individual families rather than to school districts. This allows families to select the public or private schools of their choice and have all or part of the tuition paid. These vouchers are funded by either public (government) or private (corporations, foundations) funds. Scholarships are advocated on the grounds that parental choice and competition between public and private schools will improve education for all children (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Publicly-funded education vouchers allow families to make private decisions regarding how public taxpayer money should be spent. Therefore, a voucher program hopes to create an educational market where schools must compete for students. Supporters claim market benefits, such as choice and innovation, will improve education. Opponents, on the other hand, say that vouchers will lead to greater inequality and the loss of civic preparation. Current evidence concerning the impact of vouchers is disputed (IBID.).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Zelman versus Simmons-Harris court case that ended on June 22, 2002, is probably one of the most monumental court cases to date on this subject. The United States Supreme Court upheld a Cleveland, Ohio school voucher program by a 5-4 vote. Judges Rehnquist, O’Connor, Kennedy, Scalia, and Thomas were for the decision ( This case was the latest in a long series of Supreme Court decisions that eroded constitutional requirements for school voucher programs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to comply with these constitutional requirements, a constitutional voucher program must take many actions. The prog... ...oney to afford a better school. If the administrators continue to allow this, we are denying our children’s’ rights to a good, quality education. School vouchers are something that can guarantee a parent the right to send the student to any school that would best fit his learning style and values. Voucher programs are perhaps the most effective way to help low-income families become active consumers in the educational marketplace, helping them gain control over their children’s education and encouraging them to become more involved. Educational vouchers are a way of putting the student first†¦which should be the main goal of educational personnel everywhere. By implementing an educational voucher program, schools will better themselves and students across the nation will reap in the benefits. WORKS CITED â€Å"Case Analysis.† Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. â€Å"Education Vouchers.† . â€Å"School Choices.† . â€Å"So You Wanna Learn About School Vouchers?† â€Å"Zelman v. Simmons-Harris.† .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Courtney Peters Essay 1 Rough Draft ENG 308 2/21/14 Donne: The Imprint Left Behind Every writer leaves his mark, his imprint, in his writing; a thumb print left behind the ink if you know how to look for it, and Donne is no exception. The problem is extracting Donne’s imprint, and essence, from the poem, and understanding what that tells us about him. In one poem in particular this stands out, his Holy Sonnet IX, where Donne’s imprint lingers, giving another story behind the text, of his belief in God, but also his inner questioning, and confliction and doubt which come out as contradictions. Behind the text, Holy Sonnet IX, as Donne speaks through his speaker and poem, we come to understand that he is a religious man, though conflicted, which leads to doubt and contradictions, as he resents God in a way, while also just craving for his absolution and for him to forget and forgive his sins and wash them away, sins which weigh on him heavily and he believes taint him. Looking at Donne’s Holy Sonnet IX, you can see where parts of his self are hidden under the text, if you only know how to look and how to interpret what you find. Donne repeats â€Å"I† throughout the poem three times, and while doing so he not only reflects parts of his inner self, but changes his stand point each time. In the first instance of â€Å"I†, Donne writes, â€Å"If lecherous goats, if serpents envious/Cannot be damn’d; Alas; why should I bee?† (3-4). Here he questions God, demanding to know why he should be damned when the lecherous goats, and serpents cannot not be condemned and damned for their sins. The second instance of â€Å"I† however writes, â€Å"But whou am I, that dare dispute with thee/O God? Oh! of thine onely worthy blood,† where he shifts from angrily questioning... ...e forgotten and he is not damned by them. The illusion and imagery emphasize the severity of his desire for God to forget his sins, the sins which he emphasizes by referring to them as â€Å"black sins† utilizing severe language in calling them thus, to further darken the already negative connotation of his sins and their evilness. The allusion speaks of the greatness of Donne’s sorrow, in that he would cry a river, his wish in the end, more than anything, for his sins to be forgotten and him undammed, and his thoughts on sins, that they are black, his darkness, his taint, his embarrassment, indebting him to God who in turn damns him. -- Create a conclusion, short, but sums up: What I mean by Imprint How his imprint shines throu, aka, what we learn of him from: His usage of I His pattern His allusions, imagery, and language Should be one per paragraph for most

Friday, October 11, 2019

Crime and Victimization Essay

Crime is an unfortunate part of many people’s lives – both for the victim of the crime and also the suspect. There are many theories as to why crimes happen, who commits the crimes, and why crimes happen to certain people. Not all crimes can be solved, or questions answered but these theories give a peek into the thinking or background behind some crimes that are committed. Social process theory believes that individuals are socially conditioned into or against crime (Siegel, â€Å"Social Process Theory†). Negative family relationships, limited education or association with others who have little or not respect for the law, can have a significant impact on a person’s life. The case of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, is a perfect example of this theory. Christopher and Channon, both 21, were on a date in January 2007, in Knoxville, Tennessee when they were carjacked and abducted late at night. They were taken to the house of a man named, Lemaricus Davidson where they were tortured and eventually killed. This terrible murder was not only the act of Lemaricus Davidson, but four additional individuals: Letalvis Cobbins, George Thompson, Eric Boyd and Vanessa Coleman (Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom murders). Social process theory believes if a person associates with criminals, they are more likely to engage in criminal activity themselves. Over a period of hours, these five individuals slowly tortured Christopher and Channon. They suspects were all involved in this horrific crime and did not attempt to stop each other. With various local, state and federal organizations/agencies, depending on the crime(s), one or more organization/agency can be involved. A majority of routine traffic stops and arrest and done by local law enforcement. Sometimes, if a pursuit entails, more than one agency may be involved, especially if the pursuit crosses into another county or state lines. More serious crimes, involve federal agencies. This type of crime would involve acts of terrorism, money laundering, drug trafficking or serial murders. One recent crime would be three murders in Cleveland, Ohio by a convicted sex offender (Associated Press). In this case, because of the number of victims and the possibility of additional victims, both the local Cleveland Police Department and the FBI are involved in this case. Cleveland PD is involved, because the crimes happened in their jurisdiction. The FBI is involved in this case as well, because they are dealing with a serial killer and there are potentially additional victims that have not yet been discovered. In a case like this, the various organizations/agencies work together to try to solve the crime and gather evidence. Just by reading your local newspaper, you will find that a number of crimes happen in your own community. Recently, in a local community in Virginia a 25-year-old man was charged with murder and robbery, when he shot a 55-year-old man who was out walking his dog around 9:40 PM. Police report that the victim was approached by the suspect, shot the victim and robbed him and then fled the scene. Police were given the description of the man they saw fleeing the scene. It was also reported that the gun used in this crime was stolen from a car in a local neighborhood (Aric Alexander Smith). Not all crimes are preventable; sometimes criminals are determined to commit a crime for one reason or another. In this case, it may not have been preventable but steps could have been taken to possibly deter activity like this. Sometimes, increased patrols can deter car breakings and confrontations just simply because there is a visual presence of law enforcement. Many neighborhoods have adequate lighting with the idea of a better-lit area may have less criminal activity. Law enforcement also educates the community on how to protect themselves and their home when walking late at night, going on vacation and some even offer self defense classes (Siegel and Worrall, 99). Crime is an ugly side of our society, but measure can be taken to possibly avoid certain situations or to make oneself less likely to become a victim. There are many tips and suggestions on things such as even visiting an ATM or going to the bank, to make yourself not stand out or become a victim of a robbery – be prepared when going to an ATM, make sure you don’t have to dig  in your pockets or your purse; use an ATM in a well lit area; be aware of your surrounding. Simple things like this could help one’s chances of becoming a victim. Not all crime is avoidable, but we can do what we can to try and make it less likely to happen. References Siegel, Larry J. (N. D. ) Social Process Theory. www. NCJRS. gov. Retrieved July 27, 2013, from https://www. ncjrs. gov/App/publications/abstract. aspx? ID=185186 Associated Press. (July 21, 2013) Three Ohio Murders. www. foxnews. com. Retrieved July 27, 2013 from http://www. (February 21, 2013). Aric Alexander Smith. www. wusa9. com. Retrieved July 27, 2013, from http://www. wusa9. com/news/article/244584/256/Aric-Alexander-Smith-Charged-With-Murder-Robbery-In-Shooting-Death-Of-Gregory-Lee-Holley-Sr-In-Woodbridge-Va Siegel and Worrall. 2013. Essentials of Criminal Justice. (N. D. ) Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom murders. www. knoxnews. com. Retrieved July 27, 2013, from http://www. knoxnews. com/news/news/local/channon-christian-christopher-newsom-murders/

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dove †Objectives of Marketing Plan & Pricing Strategy Essay

â€Å"Setting objectives for a marketing plan is not simple and straightforward matter. It is an iterative process whereby objectives are set, strategies and action plans are developed, and then it is decided whether the planned objectives are impossible, achievable or easy. Marketing objectives should be difficult, but they must be achievable. The aim is to set objectives that a challenge, but can be achieved with effort. They must be motivating rather than discouraging.† (Westwood, 2002). To be useful, the stated objectives should meet several criteria which are known as SMART objectives. [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed] According to (2012), the purposes of SMART objectives include: To enable a company to control its marketing plan. ï‚ §=To help to motivate individuals and teams to reach a common goal. To provide an agreed, consistent focus for all functions of an organization. Dove’s Marketing Objectives: According to (2012), Dove develops its marketing objectives very carefully as it is devoted to expand the definition of beauty for the reason that they believe real beauty comes from your inner self. The Marketing Objectives of Dove are: To increase sales by 40% in upcoming 1 year. Providing a boost to its brand image. Broaden the image as a beauty care provider Increase the number of retail outlets selling dove products by 250 within 12 months PRICING STRATEGY Price is the exchange value of a product or service, always expressed in terms of money. There are costs to produce and design a product, to distribute a product, and to promote. Price must support these elements of the mix. Pricing is difficult and must reflect supply relationship. Price is the only element of marking mixes which sales revenue. Price is a powerful marketing instrument. It is often the most flexible of the four marketing mix elements. â€Å"Price is a critical element in the marketing strategy of the industrial marketer and should always be viewed in the context of that marketing strategy. Price interacts with all other elements of the marketing mix to determine the effectiveness of each and of the whole. The objectives that guide pricing strategy should be a subset of the objectives that guide overall marketing strategy. Thus, it is probably wrong to view price as an independent element of marketing strategy or to assert that price, by itself, is a central element in the marketing mix.† (Webster, 1979) In Dove, we use three types of strategies. Namely, Competition-based pricing, Product line, Product Bundle pricing. Competition-based pricing is setting a price in comparison with competitors. Surely a firm has three options and these are to price lower, price to same or price higher. For example: Dove Damage Therapy Shampoo (700 ml) cost $11.70 versus Pantene Shampoo (700ml) cost $10.90 in FairPrice. Product line pricing is pricing different products within the same product range at different price points. For example: Dove Beauty Moisture Body Wash (1L) cost $9.75 versus Dove Firming Moisture Body Wash (1L) cost $10.70 in FairPrice. Product Bundle pricing means offering a group of related products at a combined low price, so as to get rid of slow moving products. For example, Dove charges $7.50 for a bottle of Dove Beauty Moisture Body Wash and $13.90 for a bundle of two bottles at CK Departmental Store. REFERENCES Westwood, J., 2002, The Marketing Plan: A step-by-step Guide. 3rd ed., London, Kogan Page Limited, p 101. Teacher, M, 2012, SMART Objectives [online], England, Marketing Teacher, Available from: [Last accessed 27th May 2012]. Seher, T., 2012, Marketing Plan of Dove [online], Marketing Mix, Available from: [Last accessed 27th May 2012] Webster, F., 1979, Industrial Marketing Strategy, 3rd ed., Canada, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, p 190.

Responsibility Accounting

RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING Management Accounting – Responsibility Accounting Planning & control are essential for achieving good results in any business. Firstly, a budget is prepared and, secondly, actual results are compared with budgeted ones. Any difference is made responsibility of the key individuals who were involved in (i) setting standards, (ii) given necessary resources and (iii) powers to use them. In order to streamline the process, the entire organization is broken into various types of centers mainly cost centre, revenue centre, profit center and investment centre.The organizational budget is divided on these lines and passed on to the concerned managers. Actual results are collected and displayed in the same form for comparison. Difference, if any, are highlighted and brought to the notice of the management. This process is called Responsibility Accounting. RESPONSIBILITY CENTRE A FORMAL DEFINITION OF RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING Responsibility accounting involves t he creation of responsibility centres. A responsibility centre may be defined as an organization unit for whose performance a manager is held accountable.Responsibility accounting enables accountability for financial results and outcomes to be allocated to individuals throughout the organization. The objective is to measure the result of each responsibility center. It involves accumulating costs and revenues for each responsibility centre so that deviation from performance target (typically the budget) can be attributed to the individual who is accountable for the responsibility centre. (Colin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting, sixth edition) Chapter 12 I. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTINGA. Definition. – an accounting system that collects, summarizes, and reports accounting data relating to the responsibilities of individual managers. – an accounting system which tracks and reports costs, expenses, revenues, and operational statistics by area of respons ibility or organizational unit. – the system provides information to evaluate each manager on revenue and expense items over which that manager has primary control (authority to influence). – some reports contain only those items that are controllable by the responsibility manager. some reports contain both controllable and uncontrollable items; – in this case, controllable and uncontrollable]e items should be clearly separated. – the identification of controllable items is a fundamental task in responsibility accounting and reporting. B. Some Basic Requirements. – to implement a responsibility accounting system, the business must be organized so that responsibility is assignable to individual managers. – the various managers and their lines of responsibility should be fully defined. – the organization chart is usually used as a basis for esponsibility reporting. – if clear lines of responsibility cannot be determined, it is ve ry doubtful that responsibility accounting can be implemented effectively. – while decision-making power may be delegated for many items, some decisions (related to particular revenues, expenses, costs or actions) may remain exclusively under the control of top management. 2 – several items will be directly traceable to a particular manager's area of responsibility but not actually becontrollable by that manager. (Items such as property taxes. – Note: the controllability criterion is crucial to the content of performance reports for each manager. II. THE CONCEPT OF CONTROL. A. Absolute Control. – theoretically, a manager should have absolute control over an item to be held responsible for it. – absolute controllability is rare. – frequently, external or internal factors beyond a manager's control may affect revenues or expenses under that manager's responsibility. – the theoretical requirement regarding absolute control must often be compromised, since some degree of noncontrollability usually exists. the manager is therefore usually held responsible for items over which that manager has relative control. B. Relative Control. – relative control means that the manager has control over most of the factors that influence a given budget item. – the use of relative control as a basis for evaluation may lead to some motivational problems, since managers may be evaluated on results that may not reflect the manager's efforts or decisions. – most budget plans assign control on a relative basis in order to develop and use segmental budgets. III. RESPONSIBILITY REPORTS. A.Basic Features. – a feature of a responsibility accounting system is the varying amount of detail included in the reports issued to different levels of management. – although the amount of detail varies, reports issued under a responsibility accounting system are interrelated. – totals from the report on one level of management are carried forward in the report to the management level immediately above. 3 – data is appropriately summarized, filtered, and/or condensed as information flows upward to higher levels of management. – encourages or allows â€Å"management by exception. – two basic methods are applied to present revenue and expense data: (1) only those items over which a manager has direct control are included in the responsibility report for that management level. – any revenue or expense that the manager cannot directly control are not included. (2) include all revenue and expense items that can be traced directly or allocated indirectly to a particular manager, whether or not they are controllable. – in this approach, care must taken to separate controllable from noncontrollable items in order to differentiate those tems for which a manager can and should be held responsible. B. Desired Features. 1. Timely 2. Issued Regularly 3. Format should b e relatively simple and easy to read. – confusing terminology should be avoided. – results should be expressed in physical terms where appropriate, since such figures may be more familiar and understandable to managers. – to assist management in quickly spotting budget variances, both budgeted and actual amounts should be reported. – a budget variance is the difference between the budgeted and actual amounts of an item. – because variances highlight areas which require nvestigation, they are helpful in applying the management by exception principle. – reports often include both current and year-to-date analyses. IV. RESPONSIBILITY REPORTS — SEE TEXT FOR AN ILLUSTRATION. V. RESPONSIBILITY CENTERS. 4 A. Basic Concepts. 1. A Segment. – is a fairly autonomous unit or division of a company defined according to function or product line. – function: marketing, production, finance, etc. – product line: shoe department, el ectrical products, food division. 2. A Responsibility Center. – is a segment of an organization for which a particular xecutive is responsible. – there are three types of responsibility centers: (1) expense (or cost) center. (2) profit center. (3) investment center. B. Expense (Cost) Centers. – a responsibility center incurring only expense (cost) items and producing no direct revenue from the sale of goods or services. – managers are held responsible only for specified expense items. – the appropriate goal of an expense center is the long-run minimization of expenses. – short-run minimization of expenses may not be appropriate. C. Revenue Centers – managers are held responsible for revenues (sales) only. managers of such centers also responsible for controlling expenses of unit as well. D. Profit Centers. – a responsibility center having both revenues and expenses. – the manager must be able to control both of these cat egories. 5 – controllable profits of a segment are shown when expenses under a manager's control are deducted from revenues under that manager's control. – an expense center can be converted into a profit center by the utilization of transfer prices. – i. e. , via the use of transfer prices, â€Å"artificial revenues† can be generated for an expense center as it harges other organizational units of the company for its services or product. E. Investment Centers. 1. Basic Characteristics. – a responsibility center having revenues, expenses, and an appropriate investment base. – the manager in charge of an investment center is responsible for and has sizable control over revenues, expenses, and the investment base. – the two most common ways for evaluating the performance of such a center are : (1) ROI (return on investment. ) (2) Residual Income. 2. Determining the Investment Base to be used in ROI calculations. – it is a tricky matter. two key issues which must be resolved in determining the value of the investment base are (1) which assets should be included, and – key question: are the included assets actual controlled by the division managers? (2) how those assets should be valued. – Major alternative: – Original Cost. – Book Value (original cost less accumulated depreciation to date. ) – Replacement Cost. 6 – Note: which ever choices are applied, managers will be motivated in some direction. – companies prefer to evaluate segments as investment centers because the ROI criterion facilitates performance comparisons between segments.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Organisations Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisations Design - Essay Example ctively silence criticism and concerns by the rank and file, a culture that mocked and ignored ethical compliance issues, and numerous other elements that reduced their effective impulse control, morality, concern over their actions and ability to perceive the inevitable consequences of their actions. Definition of Culture Schein defines culture thusly: â€Å"a pattern of basic assumptions...developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration...considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to...think† (1985, p. 9). Culture can be considered to be separate from but clearly intertwined with institutional characteristics. Institutional decisions to scuttle external auditing and accounts is an institutional decision. The sentiments behind that decision that laugh at external controls and view them as unnecessary is a cultural trait of the organisation. ... . ethics – successful, driven, focused, philanthropic and responsible† (Sims and Brinkmann, 2003). Just as the company had seemed to be the darling of Wall Street and invulnerable to failure, it also seemed to be a truly responsible company. Of course, it is important to note that not everyone bought into Enron's golden story. Greg Palast, an investigative journalist for The Guardian, had been writing exposes on Enron for years (2004). Palast in a retrospective on Enron in 2002 argued that Enron's collapse was predictable due to a combination of lackluster media criticism that continued after the crisis, a culture of political irresponsibility and a sense of political entitlement, arrogance, and other factors: One tabloid...called Baxter a "hero"...[T]his is the Baxter who last year quietly crawled out of Enron...then dumped his stock on unsuspecting buyers... There have been a lot of misplaced tears in the Affair Enron. The employees were shafted, no doubt about it. But the shareholders? I didn't hear any of them moan when Enron stock shot up through the roof when the company, joined by a half dozen other power pirates, manipulated, monopolised and muscled the California electricity market a year ago...Enron and half a dozen others skinned purchasers for more than $12bn in excess charges....Enron sold 500 megawatts of power to the state for delivery over a 15-megawatt line...[T]he company knew darn well the juice couldn't make it over the line, causing panic in the state - customers would then pay 10 times the normal cost... The federal regulator caught that one. Within weeks of taking office, George Bush demoted the troublesome official. Lay boasted to one candidate expected to replace the sacked regulator that

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing Managemant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Managemant - Essay Example However, this is not always the case. Sometimes firms charge higher prices when they enter a new market. This strategy is referred to as Price Skimming by the market tacticians. For example, Governments often set prices high in a marketplace where it considered that increase in competition will contribute towards market efficiency. For example, In Saudi Arabia the oil cost to the government is extremely low but they charge a good amount of price in the market to encourage more competitors in the market. This is just one example. Another example of this can be the market public utilities where huge sums of investments are required. The governments in order finance such large investments often keep high initial consumer prices to make sure that more and more companies enter the market and total investment in the country increases as it has many macro-economic advantages. Price skimming is said to be very advantageous for the new firm entering the market and also for the marketing as a whole. For a higher price would mean higher profits for the firm itself and they won't have to resort to lower revenues and lower profits in the context of penetration pricing.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Starting a Car Wash in Nigeria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Starting a Car Wash in Nigeria - Essay Example â€Å"Car ownership shot up in the oil-boom of Nigeria’s middle-income group from the mid-seventies. In the midst of a buoyant oil economy, the eighties saw the resurgence in the use of seconds. Today, there are more cars than parking space available. The growth of automobiles is so conspicuous that any business related to this industry is high on every businessman’s agenda.† (O’seun Ogunseitan, Wednesday is an odd day in Lagos, .2.0  Locationâ€Å"Jigawa State, with its capital at Dutse, is seen as a potential business centre for car wash. The state offers a very conducive environment for potential investors. The local administration has, with the view to encourage investment put for ward a package of incentives to investors, including free supply of infrastructure, preferential approval of certificates of occupancy in industrial layouts, tax relief and other incentives (Jigawa State, 1998)† (Investment Opportunities, OnlineNigeri a, 3.0  Scope   Factors that determine the success of any business, marketing and selling, keeping costs under control, hiring quality employees, and location need to be considered. Dutse is an ideal destination for car wash business (see ‘Location’). Break-even would be at the end of three and half years or 42 months.(Jigawa State, 1998)... 4. Add benefits that will attract more customers, such as free service check, or bonus points on every car wash, home delivery and pickup, complimentary tickets, and so on. The following Profit and Loss Statement is based on the following: (Note: The figures projected are assumed and not to be recorded). Number of working days is 25 a month. 1. Wash only is calculated at the rate of $6.00 for 25 cars a day. 2. Wash and Vacuum is at the rate of $8.00 for 20 cars a day. 3. Merchandise Sales consists of greens, and refreshments. 4. Sponges calculated at $0.75 each at 20 a day. 5. Detergent at $1.50 a bottle numbering 10 a day. 6. Window cleaner at $1.00 at 10 a day. 7. Paper rolls at $0.50 for an 80-roll sheet at 20 a day. 8. Salaries calculated at $3.00 an hour for 6 workers a day. 9. Rent at $1000.00 a month. 10. Telephone and electricity is calculated at $100.00 a month. (Coutesy: Miller, Profit & Loss Statement: August 2003 through July 2006 Aug- Jul 04 Sep- Jul 05 TOTAL Income/Expense Income Wash Only 45,000.00 90,000.00 135,000.00 Wash & Vacuum 48,000.00 72,000.00 120,000.00 Merchandise Sales 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 Revenue Miscellaneous Income (Tax Relief) 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 Total Revenue 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Total Income 118,000.00 187,000.00 305,000.00 Expense Sponges 4,500.00 10,000.00 14,500.00 Detergent (24-ounce bottle) 4,500.00 10,000.00 14,500.00 Window cleaner (32-ounce) 3,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 Paper-roll towels (80-sheet roll) 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 Poster

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Renaissance in Italy and in Northern Europe Research Paper

Renaissance in Italy and in Northern Europe - Research Paper Example Other factors that contributed to the development of renaissance include the texts brought to Italy when Constantinople fell to the hands of the Ottoman Turks ad the migration of Greek scholars. The following paragraphs provide an exploration of these factors and more. Some historians argue that renaissance had its origin starting from 13th century as depicted by the writings of Francenso Petrarca (1304-1374) and Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), and the painting of Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). Those who support the view that renaissance started from 1401 point to the rivalry that existed between geniuses Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti as the cause of renaissance. Jensen (1992) reveals that the two people competed to for a contract to construct the bronze doors of the Florence Cathedral’s Baptistery. Other historians hold the view that general competition between polymaths and artists like Masaccio, Ghiberti, Brunelleschi and Donatello for artistic missions caused the explosion of the creativity of renaissance (Jensen, 1992). The socio-political structures in Italy general had a good part to play in the emergence of renaissance. The socio-political structures in Italy general had a good part to play in the emergence of renaissance. This is because there existed a unique political structure in Italy during the Middle Ages. For example, the country did not exist as a political entity. Instead, it was divided into territories and states (Clare and Millen, 1994). Some of the states like the republic of Florence had remarkable merchant Republics for example the Venice Republic. This practice had some features of democracy and the states involved were responsive with belief in liberty and forms of participation in government. Therefore, these states enjoyed a relative political freedom, condition which created conducive environment for artistic and academic advancement. The emergence of renaissance can also be linked to the relative positions of some I talian cities like Venice. These cities were great trading centers and this made them intellectual crossroads. Merchants who came to these cities brought with them ideas from their countries spread over the globe, especially the Levant. Venice was a producer of glass and the gateway for trade between Europe and the East while Florence was the capital of textiles. This brought in much wealth which led to more private and public artistic commissions and people having more leisure time for study (Cronin, 1969). Between 1348-1350, Europe was hit by the Black Plague/Death in Florence. This resulted to a shift in the way the world viewed people and life in general in the 14th-century Italy. For example, familiarity with death caused thinkers to focus more on their lives on earth instead of spirituality and afterlife. The Black Death therefore led to the sponsorship of religious works of art (Clare and Millen, 1994). There was also an unusual social climate in Italy which motivated the dev elopment of rare cultural efflorescence. This situation was more pronounced in Florence because it had a unique cultural life which is though to have caused the emergence of renaissance as a cultural movement (Turner, 2005). In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell and this was accompanied by the closing of higher learning institutions by the Ottoman Turks. This caused the immigration of many

Friday, October 4, 2019

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers Essay

Enhancing the Quality of Education Provided by School Teachers - Essay Example The association of teachers’ educators widely acknowledges that the most efficient way to upgrade students learning outcomes depends highly on the quality of teaching. The research that was conducted by the same association indicates that the teacher quality is positively and significantly correlated with learners’ attainment. The same result is also important within-school aspect since it can be used to analyze student results. Education is an essential tool not only for the cultivation of values in students but also thriving and innovative society. This is the primary reason teachers are instructed to encourage self-motivation and proper way of studying among learners and to be a good role model for the students. The quality of education is not only restricted to the class work alone, but it extends further up to economic development. As the competition among nations intensifies due to rapid growth in the global market, the imperative role of education as the key to future success can greatly be felt. Above all, following the structural changes from manufacturing to the service-oriented economy in the past years, it will force educators to establish substantial and genuine human capital to central the top rank of competition. However, this will be influenced by the quality of education offered by the existing schools and teachers. Some of these changes can achieve through enhancing Teacher Education Programmes in order to produce highly trained and qualified teachers.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay to Comic Essay “In As the World Burns” Essay Example for Free

How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay to Comic Essay â€Å"In As the World Burns† Essay In As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial, authors Derrick Jenson and Stephanie McMillan create a clever comic essay to capture their youthful audience into imminent environmental issues. First published in 2007, their essay contains bantering between two young girls which engages the audience into a statistically dominated argument on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to save the planet. However, the statistics show that minor lifestyle changes will not have a lasting impact. Then, with input from many pleading species of animals and a native person, a resolution to change is decided upon. Big business, industrialism, over-population and a modern technical society are portrayed as the main problems. The authors present a strong message to future generations on environmental issues, using a comic style with young children as the main characters, native peoples and pleading animals, and repetition with emotional and ethical appeals to the readers. The authors use a comic style which is well suited to the intended audience. The girls’ bantering back and forth to solve the world environmental issues appeals to youth, through the knowledge of one girl and the idealism of the other. One is idealistic and the other a brainy one. The authors cleverly use children to get the message across of our environmental imbalance. In one scene’s caption the light hair girl says,† And the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And it all keeps killing the planet†. Some may find that Jensen and McMillan’s pictures and text are simplistic and annoyingly over-done. The bantering and pleading may put-off some readers. This comic technique has not-so-subtle innuendoes of politics and anti-establishment. A good example of this is the cow who remarks â€Å"And recognize your real enemies: production, the system that requires, the people in power who keep it running.† The use of native people and pleading animals is also an effective technique. This is especially evident when a crow brings various species of animals to the discussion with the girls. A rapid succession of pleas are written, a good example is a heron saying, â€Å"Fight with all your heart† and a toad’s exclamation of â€Å"It may even be too late.† These statements conjure-up emotions due to the visual impacts and words on the reader. The native person suggests that their land should be returned to them, in its original, pristine state. The third part of the author’s message is delivered through repetition and emotional appeal. Through the voices of children and soon to appear various species of life, the pleas are unrelenting and repetitive. People like children and animals; this is a good avenue to gain immediate attention to the audience. The anxiety of simply living in today’s world is brought forth by the authors in the girls’ reaction to giving up their standard of living in these statements: â€Å"We don’t know how to live without these things.† and â€Å"We’ll die without them†. These examples are one way that the authors pull the audience into an emotional state of guilt. Authors Jenson and McMillan successfully deliver an environmental message using a comic style with young children, pleading animals and native people, and a repetitive, emotional appeal. The criticisms of government and politics are craftily woven into the essay especially for the desired audience. The tone of this essay is emotional and authoritative; only if the reader does what is suggested by the animals will the world survive. The repetition of the animals’ emotional pleading has a lingering effect on its readers. How can one resist pleading animals? The essay’s ending makes the reader feel that there is acceptance by all parties of the need to change and all will be in harmony. The author’s succeed in communicating a message of hope: we can save the planet if we work together in harmony with nature. Jenson and McMillan’s essay did a fine job in communicating their thoughts and imparting the urgency of our need to change our behaviors for the environ ment now. Examples of  Thematic Essay on StudyMoose Visual Analysis Essay Examples Steps Helping to Write the Visual Analysis Essay Visual Analysis Essay